There were several photos in the running for my pick this week but I have settled on the one below. Monkey got his hair cut on Monday with Hubby at the barbers and every time he comes back he looks so much older. I am not sure but its almost as if he grows an extra inch over night when he gets his hair cut. He loves being outside and often requests that we go out the next day when I put him to bed. Last Friday we went to Sheffield Park and he had great fun running around and looking for pine cones. He managed to fine a very big one by rooting in the undergrowth.
It quickly became a laser gun! I am not sure where he gets these ideas from as we don’t have any play guns at home and he’s not exposed to anything like that on the TV. However I think that a lot of the boys at nursery run around outside shooting each other with whichever stick they can find! I don’t particularly have a view on it although I don’t like him using the word ‘kill, kill’ as he points whatever weapon he has constructed in his mind at you. We have swapped it for ‘pow’ at home. I think they are trying to do something similar at nursery. This photo is Monkey playing with his ‘laser gun’ while rarely posing for a photo, looking much more like a preschooler than a toddler, with his new haircut.